Monday, May 31, 2010
DBSK Playing Soccer - DBSK VS Peace Team Part 2/2
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Backbreaker A New Way to Play Football Trailer [HD]
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Pittsburgh Steelers Rivals of All Times
The Pittsburgh Steelers is an NFL franchise who found themselves having three primary rivals with all three playing in the same division as theirs. The team's rivals are the Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals, and Baltimore Ravens. Further, the team also have other rivals in the post season games namely the Oakland Raiders, New England Patriots, and the Dallas Cowboys. An intrastate rivalry between the Steelers and the Philadelphia Eagles also arose but they play against each other only once every four years as per scheduling regulations.
The rivalry between the Cleveland Browns and the Steelers started way back 1950 when they first played against each other. At the start of the rivalry, the Browns had the advantage over the Steelers who had a 9-31 record at that time. The Steelers continued to lose for 16 straight years. It was only recently that the Steelers took over the rivalry for the first time ever with a 17-3 record. It was during this time that the team won ten straight games. To intensify the rivalry, former head coach of the Steelers had actually coached the Browns earlier in his career.
On the other hand, the Steelers and the Baltimore Ravens have a really bitten division rivalry evidenced by countless memorable match-ups between the two teams. Both teams caused each other's first loss in the home fields. The Pittsburgh Steelers won their first game at the M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore and three years later, the Ravens crushed the Steelers in a game at the Heinz field. The rivalry between the Ravens and the Steelers is like a seesaw winning and losing against each other and serve as a great complement by showing their fans how they can field really strong defenses against each other.
The Cincinnati Bengals dates the rivalry with the Steelers from the 1970 season when the merger was completed. The most memorable game of their rivalry happened in the 2005 AFC Wildcard playoff game when the Steelers made a come from behind win over the Bengals to compete for a Super Bowl title. This particular win was partly due to the knee injury the Bengal's quarterback experienced and thus was forced to leave the game.
Rivalry between the Steelers and the New England Patriots started when the latter upset the Steelers in 2001 at the Heinz Field. Later, in 2008, the Patriots were accused of videotaping hand signals of the opposing team's coaches which added to more controversy. The rivalry between the Oakland Raiders and Steelers was most heated during the 1970's. While that of the Cowboys started with the team's first game as a franchise in the 1960's.
As a team, the Pittsburgh Steelers will still have a lot to challenges to face, not just with their current rivals but with the new and upcoming teams of the NFL. Although the team have made their mark as one of the most competitive teams in the NFL, they still have to perform at their best to balance out every competitor they play against.
Rick Grantham is an avid NFL fan. Most of Rick's articles focus on Pittsburgh Steelers Merchandise. Many articles are related to NFL bobbleheads and other sports related topics. Rick is a contributing author to BooYah Village
Monday, May 24, 2010
Great NFL Fantasy Football Action - How to Pick Your Team
So you're now the manager of your own football team in the National Football League. You are the owner and the manager at the same time so you have twice the responsibility to maintain a winning or at least a competitive team. Even if all of this is just NFL Fantasy Football, the thrill, excitement and the satisfaction is equally the same as that of the big league. And all good team managers know what is the most important: having the best players to start with.
While it is not the end of the world if your NFL Fantasy Football team ends up with not that great a lineup. You will never know what can happen in a season. All teams can be plagued by injuries, close calls or simply have a less than lucky season. The point is, it is not impossible for your team to have a great season even if you start with less impressive players for your NFL Fantasy Football team.
How To Pick Your Team
There are a lot of things that you should consider when you're picking for players in your NFL Fantasy Football team. Research is the key term here and you have to understand what your team and players have gone through in the previous season. You will have to know your team played well the last time, if they were winning, then by how much? Who were the key players in your team and who were the ones that stepped up their game. Stats are all that important in creating the best NFL Fantasy Football team.
Do not just focus on the major players. You must also take into consideration players that fared well last season. A good team manager always has eyes for a new and shining star. You can find some great steals for players that may not be as popular as the major players, but they're impressive just the same. You'll just have to take a look at their stats and you can probably spot a trend.
Equally important with statistics are injuries. Did any of your players of choice got injured? Obviously this is vital information because unhealthy players, especially those who underwent serious injuries the previous season, may have a slow start the next season and perhaps, not contribute at all. Understanding the health conditions of all players should be at the top of the to-do list of any good team manager.
Every fantasy league has a draft, but before you participate you must already have a well-researched list of players you would want to draft for your NFL Fantasy Football team. The importance of having a prepared list for your team comes true here. If you have researched your picks well enough, then should you not be lucky enough to get your top choices, then your second picks should be composed of almost equally impressive players. Players that can contribute great performances for your team.
These are the main points on how to pick your NFL Fantasy Football team. It's a combination of having great information for your team (stats), understanding each players (know if they had a good season or if they had injuries), and having a well-prepared and well-researched roster of players that you would want playing for you.
Chris Grisham is the creator of Sportsbook Investing, the premier website for making money with nfl fantasy football. He has successfully been beating sportsbooks for years using his proven system and top sports picks based on lines, trends, angles, and years of experience. Learn about his system for FREE at
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Football Vs Soccer - How They Are Related, and How They Are Not
Two of the most beloved sports Football and Soccer have much in common. Lately, many are wondering why there is such an international pull for soccer while football remains an American sport. This articles intent is to bring out some of the similarities and differences between soccer and football based on: history, team size, and fan size.
History: Football vs. Soccer
Football is actually a relative from soccer. Though the date is unsure of when the sport was first known to be played, there were many professional teams starting to spring up in the late 1800s. It was not that much different from its closer cousin rugby, but was showing some far different plays from soccer already.
Here is an interesting fact. Soccer or "football" as is as known in most European and South American Countries is actually the founder of both rugby and football. The major disconnections occurred when the rules for soccer changed to a "no hands" rule. At this point rugby was born. Later as rugby split into two different kinds of play: traditional rugby which allows drop kick goals and more footwork, and American football which has kickoffs and field goals (reminiscent of its soccer days) tackling and hand offs (similar to rugby) and forward passing, options, and other additions.
Soccer on the other hand has a long history, according to the Munich Ethnological Museum there is a Chinese text dated around 50 B.C. talking about "soccer" games in china. Though it is unsure how similar these games were to what we know as soccer today.
Team Size: Football vs. Soccer
There is a tremendous size difference between football and soccer. In football you not only have players that make up a team, but you have specific teams within your team. There are three major teams that consist of a football team: The offense, the defense, and special teams. Each one has a specific objective. The offense with a quarterback, receivers, and guards' objective are to score touchdowns, while the defensive team's job is to stop the opposing team from scoring by tackling the quarterback, runners, or blocking passes. Special teams deal with punts, field goals, and kickoffs. All in all there are anywhere from 30 - 60 players that combine to make a football team.
Soccer is a continuous sport. Meaning unlike football where you have set plays and an offensive and defensive team, in soccer the ball is always going. That being the case there are still offensive and defensive parts to the play of soccer. One can tell whether a team is on the offensive or defensive by where the ball is on the field. If the ball is on your side of the field then you are on defensive, if it is on your opponent's side then you are on the offensive.
Fan Size: Football vs. Soccer
Determining which sport has a greater or more loyal fan base is difficult. Here in the United States American football by far has the larger fan base. However, outside of the United States (and perhaps Canada) you do not hear much about football, only soccer. Entire cities have been known to shut down for the world cup, and yet the most watched event was last year's super bowl. One thing is a fact. Both soccer and football have loyal fans that are not going anywhere.
Soccer or Football? Well when it comes right down to it, you are choosing between two very popular sports that will continue to gain momentum in the years to come. is the official online store for the San Diego Chargers and their Chargers Jerseys. Its products include jerseys, authentic game worn merchandise, Chargers Shirt, Hats, and More! Shop Now!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
How to Get Kids to Come to Football Practice in Youth Football
Our offense and defense is not based on beating a team with overwhelming talent, it is based on scheme, teamwork and technique. We simply can’t get those all in sync unless we consistently get all the kids together.
On the very first day of football practice during that mandatory parents meeting, we talk in depth about the attendance requirements that are required to have the privilege of playing on our youth football team. We have a very hard 2 strikes and you’re out policy, two unexcused absences and we pick up your gear. Two excused absences means a reduction in playing time. Our definition of an excused absence is for a church sponsored education event or ritual, a school sponsored mandatory educational event (not skate parties) or a family wedding or funeral. If a player is so sick he is not in school, he gets a pass as well ,we check on him via his classmates. A coach must be contacted ahead of time for the absence to be defined as excused. We make it very clear we do not negotiate off of this standard and the player signs a contract agreeing to these terms. We do not allow the practices or games of other sports to ever take priority over our football practices or games.
Since we practice less than any youth football team in our league, it is imperative we get 100% attendance at practice. We feel because of our unique practice methodology, pace and priorities, we can get as much or more done in one of our typical 2 hour practices than most of our competition can get done in 2 practices.
In my 2 year study of successful and poor youth football teams, there was no direct correlation of more practice time equating to wins. In fact many of the perennial poor teams I studied started earlier and practiced more than the successful teams I studied. The keys were priorities, pace and scheme.
If we have an injured player, we require he attends practice and watches. If we have a player that is falling behind in his schoolwork, we require that he attends football practice with his books and homework and does his schoolwork off to the side while we practice. We let those kids know we are disappointed in them, we need them, their team mates need them, they are letting the team down and they need to get the schoolwork squared up ASAP. The peer pressure this brings to bear means we rarely see this problem rear its ugly head.
In 1998, first year we had this attendance policy we lost just 1 player and this was with a team right across the street from Omaha’s most violent housing projects, with very little parental involvement and support. In 1999 we had some kids that were suffering some major issues not under their control at home and I came off the standard, our attendance plummeted and our drop rates spiraled upward. The next year we went back to the original standard and again we had very high attendance numbers, so we have stuck with the hard standard ever since. In the last 4 seasons I have lost just 2-3 players due to them not meeting the attendance standard.
It just isn't fair to the kids that come to football practice every day for a coach to start or even play a player that has unexcused absences. You crush the spirit of the loyal hard working kids that see that being consistent and working hard gets them no reward, it matters little. Is that the kind of lesson we want the kids to learn? Is winning that next game more important than teaching all the kids life lessons? Let's not even get into the parent hassles you solve by linking attendance to playing time or even inclusion on your team.
Part of our success may come from our practice methodology and the fact our football practices have segments that are a lot of fun. It may also come from the fact we practice less than our competitors, ease our kids into contact and do lots of fit and freeze technique drills rather than dulling and beating the kids up with large space full contact drills. Our kids are itching to come to practice, not dreading it.
When a player does choose to have that second unexcused absence we make sure to pick up his gear and leave it in a pile at football practice right in the cal lines to remind our players how serious we are about attendance. If we give the kids and even parents a free pass on this, what kind of lessons are we teaching? Won’t the player be required to attend school or how about when it comes time for him to work, won’t he be required to attend there regularly?
When coaching youth football remember you have a duty to that player beyond football. Holding him accountable to a standard may be the biggest “favor” you ever do for them. Have an attendance standard and stick to it, no matter the short term pain it causes you or your team. In the end it is what’s best for your kids and your team. It will earn you the respect of your players and parents in the end.
Click here to sign up for Dave’s free youth football coaching newsletter filled with great football coaching tips:
Youth Football []
Dave Cisar-With over 15 years of hands-on experience as a youth coach, Dave has developed a detailed systematic approach to developing youth players and teams that has enabled his personal teams to win 97% of their games in 5 Different Leagues.
Dave is a trainer of youth football coaches nationwide. He has a passion for developing youth coaches so they can in turn develop teams that are competitive and well organized, while having fun and retaining players. His book “Winning Youth Football a Step by Step Plan” was endorsed by Tom Osborne and Dave Rimington. His DVDs and book have been used by teams nationwide to run integrity based programs that win championships. His web site is: Football Plays
Friday, May 21, 2010
Alessandro Del Piero Pt.6 - Soccer Super Stars
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Football Systems
There are many different football defence and offence formations and plays that are available today for a coach to choose. With a click of the mouse one can find an endless amount of information and ideas on team systems and philosophies on the internet.
But what is the best one suited for you or better yet, suited for your football team? We all have our favourite defence or offence that we would love to play and implement. However, the point we would like to make is that it's quite probable that your favourite defence you like and want to play is outside the reach of your player's abilities. It's important as a coach that you evaluate your teams abilities and static factors. Static factors would be the unchangeable such as size, strength, athletic ability,speed, desire, and determination. Basically, things that are presented to you that you have no control over. Once you determine these factors its up to you as the coach to select the right systems that your players will thrive in based on their abilities. The worst thing you can do is select a system that will be too much for your team to handle. In the end, it will come back to haunt you!
In most programs testing these factors is done in the early days of your training camp. The coaches will chart, record, and monitor the different strengths and weakness of each player. From that point, they will discuss the type of offence and defence that they will implement in order to get the very best from their players abilities. Perhaps you have a large group of solid offensive linemen and a few good athletes. Probably your evaluation based on these factors is that you will build your offence around your O-line and be a running football team. Or defensively you might evaluate that you don't have a lot of D-lineman or good size so you compensate by playing a scheme like a 3-4 in order to take advantage of your speed at the linebacker and safety positions. Either or, you've selected a scheme that is within your player's abilities.
By doing this you will get the best possible system that your players will thrive in as it will be designed around their strengths. they will gain confidence in it, and no doubt, be tough to play against.
A lot of coaches make the mistake of implementing systems just because they like them and ignore the static factors. For the most part, we are coaching programs when we are dealt our players. There's no recruiting process to get players in that will thrive under the system we like. Therefore we can only play the hand we are dealt and that means it's important to get a handle on the static factors so that we can implement the best possible defence, offence, or special teams.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Where Does Manchester United Go From Here?
Without doubt, Manchester United is one of the most exciting and consistent football teams ever to grace the turf.
With two titles already under their belts this season, there is still the potential to make that in to four, with the Premiership and European Champion`s League titles still to play for.
True, at times they`ve looked jaded, a result of playing so many matches during the season. And, to remain successful United will have to continue to bring good young players through the system, and probably to enter the transfer market when the window opens at the end of the season.
Sir Alex Ferguson will certainly be at the club next year, but what after that? He`s one of the most successful managers of all time. Whenever he does retire, his successor has a tall order to keep the club at the level we`ve seen over the past decade.
And, what about the tried and trusted players who have served Manchester United so magnificently over the years? Scholes, Beckham, Giggs, Butt and the Neville brothers were synonymous with the United success of much of the 1990`s. Of those, only Paul Scholes, Gary Neville, and Ryan Giggs remain. When outfield players reach their mid-30`s in football most are generally in the final part of their playing days, and contracts tend to be given on just a year-by-year basis.
Paul Scholes recently played his 600th game for the Reds against Portsmouth. Scholes is a `players player`- his talent recognized by other players, managers, and fans alike. Giggs now tends to come on as substitute (a very good substitute at that), and Gary Neville has been beset by injuries since last season, and is struggling to find his old form.
Michael Carrick is reliable in midfield, Patrice Evra at left back, and Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic as centre halfs are rock-like in defence. Following his knee surgery in November 2008, Owen Hargreaves should be back next season. Edwin van der Sar has another season left on his contract, though Ben Foster is a good goalkeeper, a future England keeper many reckon.
The rumours surrounding the `will he/won`t he` transfer to Real Madrid of Cristiano Ronaldo persist. And as good as Fletcher, Nani, Ji-Sung Park, and Anderson are, none of them have yet shone as consistently great players.
If Ronaldo does leave, Manchester United won`t only lose a midfield player, they`ll lose a striker too, who`s one of the best goal scorers there is. And with Carlos Tevez seemingly still undecided about his future at Old Trafford, the strike force of the experienced Berbatov and Rooney may not be enough. Having said that of course, youngsters such as the Da Silva twins, Jonny Evans, Darron Gibson, Danny Welbeck and the very confident Federico Macheda are all excellent future prospects for Manchester United.
The problem may be the gap that could be created by the loss of the current experienced-but getting on in years-senior players, and the youngsters who are coming along. Fergie hasn`t let Manchester United down thus far. Where do United go from here? Hopefully onward and upwards, but only time will tell.
Geoff runs a Manchester United blog and takes a look at Our Insatiable Appetite for TV Cooking Programs
Miami Hurricanes
Monday, May 17, 2010
Advanced Marketing Systems - Should You Use One?
There are all sorts of methods that you can use to make your business more profitable. You can readily focus on improving your marketing strategies in order to attract more customers and to generate more sales. There are a number of different options you can choose from. There are many businesses that prefer to use advanced marketing systems for increasing their sales and profits. You should definitely consider the different aspects of the implementation of such a solution before deciding to use it.
The advanced marketing systems are based on complex vertical models and specific consumer target strategies. Their creation and implementation requires a lot of professional work. You need to have a working system that you can build on. More importantly you have to have reliable analysis on past performance. You also need to make future ones so that you can set the right goals for your marketing system and its campaigns. Generally, you will either need substantial experience in the field or you will have to hire a professional company to devise the strategy for your business.
In any case, the development of the system will require sufficient costs. The implementation of the different strategies will also be expensive. You will have to rely on a creative team. More importantly, you will have to pay for affiliate marketing and/or for media campaigns. The use of a wide range of software programs is also essential.
So, you really have to make a reliable cost analysis before choosing to use advanced marketing systems for your business. At the same time you will need to estimate the return on investment with the greatest accuracy possible. Keep in mind that the success of the campaigns you carry out is not determined solely by their performance. You might have a brilliant strategy, but the market and economic conditions might be against you. You should assess the risk carefully.
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What Are the Qualities of a Football Team Winger?
A winger is a player that operates from the wings during a football match. There are two classes of wingers which include left winger and right winger.
A football team cannot do without wingers because if the defence is so tight for the strikers to penetrate the wingers can turn things around by either getting the goals or supplying the crosses from the flanks that could result in goals.
The only thing about the crosses from the wingers is that the crosses should be so accurate that the opponents will not make mess of them by being stronger in the air than the team. That is to say that crosses can only help a team to win a match if the team players are good in aerial battle and they can head the ball on target.
A team that has tall players is often at an advantage when it comes to crosses from the wingers. This is why it is good for a team to have tall strikers that can use their head very well. Also, it is good for an opposing team to have tall defenders that can use their head very well.
One unique quality of a good winger is speed. A winger that has speed can send an opposing team to the cleaners with his or her mesmerizing runs with the ball.
Christiano Ronaldo of Portuguese national team and Manchester United of England is one player that I cherish so much as a winger. He runs like a cheetah up and down the flanks.
A winger could be short or tall but he or she cannot afford to lack speed. So, the greatest quality, among other qualities, of a winger is speed. A winger should also be able to cross the ball very well.
If you really want to know the latest news in the world of football, visit Football Club Transfer News []
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Football Kit - The Basics
A team's football kit can set it apart from other teams. Style is definitely a part of the culture of football, and many teams like to change their kit designs every couple of years to stay up with current trends. Most professional teams will have two or three kits that they wear in a season, ranging from the more traditional home uniform to more creative styles for their away and alternate uniforms. The most versatile part of the kit is the shirt, but there are accents that can be added to the shorts and socks to create different types of looks.
From Kids to Professionals
The basic football kit is the same no matter what level the game is played. It includes a jersey that has the player's number on the back for identification purposes, and sometimes includes the player's name as well. Modern football shorts are worn above the knee, and can be the same color as the shirt or an alternating color. Knee socks are generally worn, with knee pads included for extra protection. The most versatile part of the kit is the shoes, which may be any color or design depending on the preferences of the player.
Different Styles
Aside from the general makeup of the football kit, everything else about each team's uniform can be drastically different. Football teams will show off their individuality with shirts that have collars, laces, buttons, or V-necks. The colors and patterns of each team's shirt range from solid colors to intricate patterns that are computer generated. Some teams will use the different textures that can be achieved with modern materials to create patterns, like checkerboards, without using alternating colors. Stripes are a traditional option, especially the thin, vertical stripe. It is also popular to have short sleeves that are a different color than the body of the shirt.
Of course, the main purpose of a football kit is strictly practical. No matter how creatively they may be designed, they still serve an important purpose: comfort and easy identification. Player names and numbers are featured prominently on the backs of the shirts so that officials and fans can identify them quickly and easily. The colors of the shirts are usually bold and bright enough to be seen across the wide pitch so that players can find one another at a glance during the game. The materials used in football uniforms provide the maximum amount of cooling for the players, who prefer to wear the lightest and most breathable materials possible. Kneepads in the socks help to protect the most vulnerable part of a football player's body - the knees. A player's cleats are the key to his game, and can make the difference between a fabulous performance or a twisted ankle.
Football kits can be fashion statements, but it doesn't matter how good they look if they don't do the job. Combine the practical considerations of a good football uniform with the stylish nature of the designs and football is easily the most fashion forward game today.
If you want to find out more about football kits, please visit Football shirt Website for more information
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Lingerie Football League
Friday, May 14, 2010
Washington Redskins - The Five Greatest NFL Teams in the History of Football
While a lot of people may contest and debate the five greatest NFL teams in the history of football as listed here, everyone will agree that these were awesome teams that deserve the honor and accolade one way or another.
1985 Chicago Bears
The 1985 Chicago Bears was a phenomenal team composed of a mismatched group with raw and exciting energy and interesting personalities. They were great and they knew it, recording their championship video, "The Super Bowl Shuffle" even before playoffs started. Led by the Mohawk-wearing quarterback Jim "Punky QB" McMahon and an impenetrable running and defense line, chief of them William "The Refrigerator" Perry, Super Bowl MVP defensive end Richard Dent, and NFL Defensive Player of the Year Mike Singletary, the Bears finished the season with a 15-1 record and scored a total of 456 to 198 points. During the playoffs they won 21-0 against the giants and 24-0 against the rams for the NFC title. They won the Super Bowl, scoring 46-10 over the Patriots.
1972 Miami Dolphins
The 1972 Miami Dolphins is the only NFL team that ever had a "perfect season," with a season record of 17-0. This is also the reason why they are considered as the greatest NFL team of all time, particularly by the documentary America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions, produced by the NFL Network. Their undefeated team was led by coach Don Shula and football greats such as Earl Morrall, Bob Griese, and Larry Csonka. They won all three playoff games and finally won the Super Bowl VII against the Redskins. Some argue however that the '72 Dolphins had the advantage of playing one of the easiest schedules in the history of modern NFL, and this when equally matched with the '85 Bears, they were no contender.
1962 Green Bay Packers
A dream team consisting of a list of football hall of famers including Paul Hornung, Max McGee, Jim Taylor, Boyd Dowler, and Vince Lombardi, the 1962 Green Bay Packers set a 13-1 record earning them a first place at the Western Conference. In the NFL Championship Game, they won 16-7 against the New York Giants, marking the Packers' 8th NFL Championship.
1991 Washington Redskins
The 1991 Washington Redskins topped the NFL in two important stats: the yards gained per pass and yards allowed per pass, with star player Mark Rypien averaging a whopping 8.5 yards per attempt, gaining a total of 1,340 yards on 70 receptions. The additional contributions of Redskins' Ricky Ervins and Earnest Byner with a combined 1,708 yards make their stats legendary. Even with a tough schedule, they were able to outscore their opponents 485-224.
1999 St. Louis Rams
One of the most exciting personalities in the 1999 season was then barely-known night-shift grocery-clerk and St. Louis Rams' star quarterback, Kurt Warner who led the Rams to a record of 13-3 in the regular-season. He was both NFL MVP and Super Bowl MVP. The Rams defeated the Tennessee Titans in the Super Bowl XXXIV with a score of 23-16, and claimed their 1st NFL World Championship since 1951.
Rick Grantham is an avid sports fan. Most of Rick's articles focus on authentic sports memorabilia. Many articles are related to pro baseball gear and other sports related topics. Rick is a contributing author to BooYah Village.
Now is the Time to Avoid the Number One Tax Mistake - Start Tax Planning Now
The biggest tax return mistake that individuals and small business owners make is failing to do proactive tax planning. There is little that your CPA or tax preparer can do with a shoe box of receipts or your computer file on April 15th. After the first of the year, there are only a handful of maneuvers that can be done that will actually lower your tax liability. The time to start planning for taxes is early in the tax year - not after the tax year is complete.
Look at how a defense prepares for a football game. Obviously, they practice hard on the field and pay attention to fundamentals and improving their skills. They also spend a good deal of time watching film of their upcoming opponent. They want to know every potential play that might be thrown their way and be prepared to defend against it. If there is a hole in the offensive line that can be exploited to their advantage, they look for it.
Tax planning is similar to that of how a football team prepares. You want to know the fundamentals. Examples of fundamentals would include how you keep up with your expenses and record them, or how you track your business mileage. The fundamentals are the basics of running a tax savvy business.
Tax planning takes the fundamentals a bit further and can be compared with a football teams reviewing of game film and preparing for the game in advance of game day. Tax planning is your financial defense. Proactive tax planning is about giving you a plan for minimizing your taxes. What tax strategies should you adopt now to minimize your tax bill at the end of the year? Are there better ways to structure the financial side of my business that would result in me spending less in taxes?
Some individuals and small business owners are afraid of tax planning because they think it means using aggressive strategies so that they can pay less in taxes. In reality, proactive tax planning is not aggressive at all. It simply involves analyzing the tax code and and individual or small business owners personal tax situation to make sure that they are using every legal strategy for minimizing their taxes. For most people, taxes are one of their largest expenses. It only makes sense to focus on a financially defensive strategy to minimize your largest expenses. Contact a proactive tax professional today that can help you to minimize your tax liabilities before it it too late.
Chad Bordeaux is a Charlotte CPA who works with small business owners and individuals on a monthly basis to provide them with proactive guidance and advice on how to grow their business, minimize their tax liabilities and grow their bottom line. Contact Chad through his firm's website today so that they can help put your small business on track to meet its goals. Chad is also a primary contributor to the Beancounter Ramblings blog which focuses on issues important to small businesses.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Guide to Children's Activities and Family Fun in Suffolk
If you are on a family holiday with the kids, or just looking for a fun day out over the weekend or during the school holidays, Suffolk is a great choice for you. Packed full of fun things to do for families and children of all ages, Suffolk offers you tons of activity options that will inform, entertain and excite.
Children's Activities and Family Fun in Suffolk
Suffolk is a great place in which to keep the whole family occupied while getting some fresh air - not least during the spring and summer months. Suffolk enjoys fantastic weather and offers a vast selection of outdoor activities for the whole family to enjoy!
For a relaxing day out, why not trying messing about on the River Stour with Flatford Boats, East Bergholt - at just £6 per hour it is the cheapest boat hire in the UK!
Everyone enjoys a daytrip to the beach, and Lowestoft, Aldeburgh, and Felixstowe are all great sea-side towns. There is plenty for the whole family in the lovely coastal town of Southwold, such as award-winning beaches, a great selection of shops, restaurants and inns, and of course, the traditional Southwold Pier. Children love the old-fashioned amusement arcade, the famously cheeky water clock, the Flash Gordon-esque telescope, and the weather stations!
Another wonderfully traditional day out for the whole family can be had in Mannings Amusement Park, Felixstowe. Here you will find children's rides, penny pushers, video games, casino areas, crazy golf, Sunday markets, bars, cafes and more!
The RSPB Suffolk have a number of sites across Suffolk, and offer a full programme of events for children, families and nature-lovers throughout the whole year. The Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Ipswich also have a number of events and activities running throughout the year that make for great family days out.
Children love animals, and activities involving all kinds of breeds can be found in Suffolk. They can meet the farm animals and go wild in the Adventure Playground at Jimmy's Farm, Ipswich, say hello to the cute miniature Shetland ponies, visit the Stallion unit and then take a tour of The National Stud, Newmarket.
Enjoy a tasty treat from the farm shop and feed the animals at Hollow Trees Farm Shop, Hadleigh and the whole family can enjoy a relaxing day out by a pretty lake (perfect for picnics!) and meet the unusual breeds of animals at Baylham House Rare Breeds Farm, Ipswich.
Children's Activities and Family Fun in Suffolk
Families that are fond of a little friendly competition will have a great time at Mr G's Bowling Centre, Brandon, an 8-lane complex with stylish bar & restaurant, and lightweight balls to suit children.
If you are an active family seeking an exciting day out, there are a number of pulse-racing options for you to choose from! You will find 'Wipeout', the tallest, fastest and most extreme rollercoaster in Suffolk at Pleasurewood Hills Theme Park, Lowestoft - plus other hair-raising rides for older children, and more subdued rides plus live animal shows (cheeky and hilarious Parrot show being a firm favourite!) for younger kids.
You can try your hand at clay target shooting at Fulton's Shooting, Worlington. Trained instructors are on hand to offer guidance and ensure the safety of all involved, and all sessions can be adapted for families to compete against one another in teams, and for younger participants.
At Suffolk Moto Park, Ipswich you can enjoy the exciting activities of 4x4 and dirt kart driving, quad riding, and clay pigeon shooting, plus there are junior quads available for 9-16 year-olds.
Equally thrilling family activities can also be found at Anglia Indoor Karting, Ipswich, as you race one another around their premier indoor karting track, and five-to-eight-year-olds can go wild on the Kubz Karting course!
More action-packed activities can be had at Suffolk Leisure Park, Ipswich, where the whole family can have fun on the dry ski slopes, tobogganing slope, climbing wall and high ropes course, plus The Lodge Restaurant & Bar. Sporty families will have a great time taking part in the many activities on offer at Felixstowe Leisure Centre. Here there are two swimming pools - a fantastic 25 metre pool and a fun baby pool - a gym, sauna, bowls hall, a children's indoor adventure play area which includes an undersea world inflatable, galleon treasure island trail, ball pools and an abundance of soft play toys, plus a crèche.
Children who are into football will have fun with the Ipswich Town Community Trust, who offer a wide range of high quality training, soccer camps and programmes for children and adults during the year.
Children's Activities and Family Fun in Suffolk
Kids are often fascinated by machinery and mechanics - not least when they get to see and ride them first hand! At Bressingham Steam & Gardens the whole family can explore one of Europe's leading steam collections, take a ride on the Victorian 'Gallopers', journey over five miles of narrow-gauge steam railway, and even visit the only official "Dad's Army" exhibition in existence! Not to mention exploring and relaxing in the beautiful gardens.
If trains are of particular interest, you will be pleased to discover that you can take a ride on a period country railway at Colne Valley Railway, Castle Hedingham. Special themed events such as A Day out with Thomas the Tank Engine plus Murder Mystery and Dining are also available on various dates.
If you happen to be free when a show or event is on at Rougham Airfield, Bury St Edmunds then you will be in for a treat!
Finally, for children as young as six months and upwards, Music Bugs West Suffolk provide structured play-based sessions that incorporate a large variety of fantastic props such as puppets, bubble machines, and teddy bears into the singing of nursery rhymes and counting songs that will enable your little one to learn, have fun and make lots of new friends!
With all these great children's activities and fun days out to choose from, your whole family is sure to have a wonderful time in Suffolk!
For more information of children's activities and fun family days out, please visit us at the Suffolk Tourist Guide - the best place for information, tourism, and culture in Suffolk.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Football Drills For Cornerbacks and Defensive Secondary Positions
Through recent years NFL General Managers have made a noticeable trend in the type of players they value the most in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rounds of the NFL draft. Of all the players selected in each round since 2000, a majority of these players have been Defensive Backs and Safeties. This trend is largely due to the skills and talent that these players can instantly bring to a defensive. With a unique combination of speed, agility and quickness, Defensive Secondary positions can transform a good defense into a GREAT defense immediately.
In order to become an impact player as described, a young Defensive Secondary player must dedicate themselves to a strict training program of enhancing speed and quickness, while simultaneously preparing for any and all circumstances that can occur during a game.
The following two articles are dedicated to teach young Defensive Backs or Safeties the principles of becoming GREAT defenders. These drills are currently being utilized by today's top Defensive Secondary Coaches and players. They are a regular part of their off season training and individual practices, and if you can implement these drills into your normal training schedule and dedicate yourself, you will see an enormous increase in your ability to be a game changing player.
Drill 1: Break on the Ball
This drill is probably the most well know among all of the Defensive Secondary drills that exist today. It involves using all the necessary reaction skills, speed, and agility required to effectively simulate covering a receiver and breaking on the ball. Today's greatest Secondary players such as Champ Bailey, Troy Polamalu, and Pacman Jones work on this drill religiously, and it obviously translates into their performance in each game.
Increase Secondary coverage skills through enhancing drop back capabilities while quickening the reaction and break on a pass.
PLEASE NOTE: This drill will require a 35-50 yards of a football field or a park. Make sure the yardage is marked appropriately to get the proper feel for the depth and feel of each route.
Bump and Run/Man to Man Coverage
Step 1: Pick a starting spot where you have at least 20 yards to drop back into coverage.
Step 2: Assume you are playing man to man coverage on the outside receiver and play bump and run for the initial 5 yards. (Back pedal with hands on an imaginary receiver)
Step 3: At 5 yards turn your hips and sprint to the 20 yard line.
Step 4: Break the route into a comeback towards the sideline and sprint to the Line of Scrimmage.
Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for three sets, working both left and right side of the ball. 25 second rest between each drill.
Zone Coverage
Step 1: Same
Step 2: Play at least 5 yards off the Line of Scrimmage. Drop back in a pure backpedal as FAST AS YOU CAN to the 20 yard line.
Step 3: Once your foot touches the 20 yards line, break AS FAST AS YOU CAN directly back in the path you just ran and SPRINT to the Line of Scrimmage.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 for three sets, alternating each the left and right side of the ball. 25 seconds rest in between each set.
Coaching Tips
- Maintain a low center of gravity during the Bump and Run and back pedal
- Chop you feet SLIGHTLY when you make a break on the ball.
- On the break, keep you feet directly under you. If your feet are too far in front of you, you will slip and fall, GUARANTEED!
- Sprint through the Line of Scrimmage, DO NOT LET UP until you are 1-2 yards past. Practice GREATNESS. Mediocre and good players will jog through the Line of Scrimmage.
Casey Poppinga is a former NFL player that now writes for football coaching site called
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sports Handicapping Tips and Advice
For loyal sports fans, sports betting is an entertaining way to get even more involved with your favorite teams and win some cash. The trick is figuring out how you can increase your chances of winning as opposed to losing your money. There's quite a bit of information that needs to be taken into consideration when it comes to predicting the outcome of a certain sporting game or event.
Using Sports Handicapping Services
If you are considering the use of sports handicapping services, you need to find out how they are basing their predictions. Even if they give you a straight prediction, it won't be helpful if you want to place an over-under bet or bet on a point spread. The best sports handicapping services normally offer information on how they come to their predictions, which is very important.
Sports Handicapping Service Offerings
Some top line services offer free newsletters and subscriptions, with even the option of obtaining a free pick to motivate you to sign up with them for regular picks. Most often weekly, monthly, and seasonal picks are included in the sports handicapping service with the additional of individual game picks. Trying a few of the daily picks are a good way to test the service out to see if you want try out any of the season packages, which are often offered at a discounted price.
What To Look For In Sports Handicapping Services
A proven record over more than one season by a sports handicap service is most ideal. Sometimes certain sports betting handicap services can seem attractive because it is common to see a specific season that had a favorite team win and the underdog lose. Therefore, their prediction percentages will look outstanding. Try looking at the performance across several seasons and choose the handicap service with the most ideal and consistent winning percentages.
Searching For Sports Handicapping Information
Websites and various online sports handicapping services are fantastic and provide you with easy access to loads of sports betting information. They stay up to date with athlete injuries, weather conditions, game statistics, and even Vegas betting trends. Getting the most up to date information as convenient as possible will help you go a long way in your sports betting practices.
For an extensive and complete review of some of the very best sports betting systems, visit Elise is an extreme hockey fan and born again sports hobbyist who has just entered the world of online sports betting. She has tried and tested various online sports betting systems and reviews them on her website,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
EURO2008(Spain Final)-Germany VS Spain-2008 06 30 (31)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Improving Your Effectiveness As a Football Halfback - Four Tips to Dominate As a Halfback
The halfback is probably the most decorated and affluent runner on the offensive team. It is up to the half back to execute first down or touchdown plays, running through a tough defense. Having a great half back will ensure any football team extra points as they try and dominate their season. This article intention is to give four fundamental tips in improving your game as a halfback. First, increase your understanding of the role of a half back. Second, use running to increase your endurance. Third, gain greater strength by weight lifting. Fourth, visualize and memorize the plays from your teams playbook.
Increase your understanding of the role of a half back
A half back by nature is a runner. Their primary role is to gain yardage on the field when it is needed most. In close plays, where a yard or two is needed for a first down you will see a team solely rely on the merits of the half back. They also need to use there teammates effectively. Meaning that they know the full back and offensive linemen's abilities and play off there strengths to make more effective plays. The most important thing that a half back can do is be quick and keep a strong hold on the football.
Use running to increase your endurance
Running drills are one of the most basic ways that you can enhance your endurance. These drills are meant to help you play your hardest throughout the entire game. Teams, or individuals, that do not complain throughout the running drills will be better off and better prepared for a game. Because in the end, the team or players that are the fastest are the ones that win the championships. Running also will teach you how to push yourself even when you don't want too.
Gain greater strength by weight lifting
Lets not forget weightlifting. It is one of the essential elements that will help you improve your game. The benefits of lifting weights are found in added strength, but more importantly it will increase your maximum power Maximum power should be the goal of your training, because it involves muscle strength and muscle excursion during play. Strong and powerful execution will enable fast plays, quick action, and recognition on the field. Weight lifting can cause injuries, and as such we highly recommend having a professional coach on hand during weightlifting sessions. You trainer will also help you accomplish your weightlifting goals and teach you new techniques.
Visualize and memorize the plays from your teams playbook.
Every football team will have certain plays. It will be essential to learn your part in that play to benefit yourself, and the whole team. In order to start learning a play, make sure that you first pay attention to the instructions when they are given. In order to avoid learning a play wrong, or developing bad habits, we recommend that you go through the entire play slowly at first. Practice is a great time to get some extra help, so if you are struggling with a certain play remember that your coaches are their to help you master the techniques. Always, always ask for the help that you need. Are you done with the play after practice? No way! the best thing that you can do after practice is visualize your plays. Sleep on them, and you will learn them twice as fast.
These tips are a few of the many things that a halfback can do to improve their game. When you understand your position, increase endurance and strength, and memorize the plays you add to the strength of the entire team. Half backs especially are called upon to lead their offensive team in running and major offensive plays. is the official online store for the San Diego Chargers and their Chargers Jerseys. Its products include jerseys, authentic game worn merchandise, Chargers Shirt, Hats, and More! Shop Now!
Cornell Introduces Kent Austin As Head Football Coach
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Huge football hit
Get Your Football Tickets Somehow, Someway
As a fan of a very popular and successful professional football team, I know it can be difficult to get tickets, but what if you want to buy Detroit lion tickets? In recent history, the Detroit Lions have not been overly successful, but does that make the tickets any cheaper or easier to obtain? I suppose it depends on who sets ticket prices and how often they sell out their stadium, no matter what their record is. The more I look into it, the more I realize that the best prices on about anything can be found online, and Detroit lion tickets, or any NFL tickets for that matter, are no exception. All you need to do, then, is understand the step by step process of buying Detroit lion tickets online to get the best price possible.
The first couple of steps may seem obvious, but it is important that you are prepared when you to make your Detroit lion ticket purchase. First of all, you will need to figure out which game you want to attend. Is there a particular opponent you want to see? If not, you can just check all games and see where there is availability. Many games for a number of NFL teams are sold out before the season even begins, due to the enormous popularity of pro football. However, just in case, go online to the Detroit Lions’ official website and check to see if there are tickets available for the game you want to see. If so, you are in luck, the team will be selling the tickets at face value, which is really as low as you can expect to get them for unless you are buying an enormous quantity of Detroit lion tickets.
If you are planning a season or more ahead to buy your Detroit lion tickets, you may want to join the team’s waitlist of fan club. You will, then, likely get access tickets on a preferential basis. In addition, you will likely have a great shot at playoff tickets if that is something that becomes an issue during the season. Because no matter which game you want to go to, Detroit lion tickets for the playoffs sure would make for a good time.
Another option is to buy your Detroit lion tickets from a ticket broker. Brokering is illegal in some states, but rarely prosecuted. If you are concerned, however, just check with your local and state laws to make sure everything you do is on the up and up. A broker will buy up tickets to sold out events and resell them for a profit. Your Detroit Lion tickets won’t be cheap going this route, but you are likely to get tickets to whatever event you would like to. If you want to bottom feed a little bit more, there are always ticket scalpers around on game day. They basically do what brokers do, only without the office. If you are the type who likes to wheel an deal and doesn’t mind gambling a bit, you can certainly do all of those things if you get your Detroit Lion tickets from a ticket scalper.
Tickets for any NFL team, yes even the Detroit Lions, are difficult to get sometimes. However, if you plan out which game you want to see, getting the Detroit Lions tickets you want is not difficult. You may have to spend some money, but if you get to see the game you want, isn’t it worth it?
If you would like the latest information on football, or find more of my personal articles like the one you just read, visit my sports blog [].
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Kickoff Coverage Techniques For Youth Football
The Indianapolis Glazier Clinic was a medium sized clinic with a small but enthusiastic contingent of youth football coaches. It was great to see guys from all the way from Cincinnatti there that ran my system last year for the first time.
I got to the clinic just in time to see some excellent speakers including a Special Teams guru that had sent a number of kickers to Division I and NFL teams. I got the chance to listen to an Illinois Hall of Fame High School coach, Mike Rude talk about the nuances of his famous Shotgun 'T' Series as well as hear a former 11 year NFL vet speak about connecting to players. I had breakfast one on one with a High School head coach from El Paso whose team set numerous Texas Passing Records. I had the pleasure of sharing a ride with fellow speaker David Tennison, the Defensive Coordinator from Jenks High School in Oklahoma and got a chance to talk with him on the 40 minute trip to the airport as well as when we waited for our flights. Jenks as many of you know is a perennial USA Today Top 10 Program. It was non stop football for 3 days and 2 nights and as usual I came away the better for the experience. We don't go to these things with the idea we are looking for new football plays or new schemes, just better ways to accomplish our goals and to see how other successful coaches and programs do things.
Kickoff Coverage
One area I thought we needed improvement on was our kickoff coverage. We onside kick with a mob or pooch kick until we are leading by 3 touchdowns, then we kick deep. Our onside and pooch kick coverage has been very good. In the last 8 seasons, we have yet to have a return for a touchdown and our recovery rates have ranged from about 5 %-30 %. Our theory is, why put the ball in the hands of the other teams best player "in space", when no one is holding a gun to your head to do so? They want the ball in that guys hands, so why do I want to give the other team exactly what they want?
Deep Kicks
What hasn't looked so good for us has been our deep kickoff coverage. We just haven't bothered to put a descent coverage scheme in place or even practice covering deep kicks. Part of my lack of coaching effort in this area comes from priorities and part comes from the fact that when we are up by 3 or more scores and kick deep we really don't care if there is a descent return or not. But if part of our charge as youth football coaches is to pursue excellence in every aspect of the game, our deep kick coverage was in need of a lot of work.
High School Legend and His Kick Coverage Concepts
Phil Acton is a High School coach with a tremendous track record of success, especially in the special teams arena. His kick off coverage team had not had a kickoff return for a touchdown in over 20 years and last season had just 2 returns go past the 30 yard line. Phil is firmly convinced the "lane theory" that most kick-off coverage teams use doesn't make much sense. He drew up a number of returns that showed the sheer silliness of this concept. If the opposing team were to receive the kick on the right hash and the returner ran the ball straight up the right hash, the kicking teams players on the left hash and to the left of the left hash would be wasted players if they stayed in their lanes. These left hash defenders could even be left unblocked, allowing the return team to use double teams and numbers to overwhelm the coverage team where the return team wanted to focus its return.
Phil had a very simple concept imparted to all his kick coverage players: keep the returner in front of and inside of you. So if you are on the left side of the returner, you would adjust your pursuit path to insure the ball carrier was in front of but also inside your right shoulder. The defenders would continue to adjust their pursuit paths to insure they were not being outflanked. Now the ball carrier instead of just having to beat 2-3 players that are in or nearby the 'lane' he chose to run in, he has to beat 8-10 defenders. Phil also suggested directional kicking so his teams had to only defend a portion of rather than the entire field. He always wanted to kick away from the most dangerous return man and make that returner run to field the football.
Kick Coverage for Youth Football
When coaching youth football it is important that you understand the importance of special teams. Your kick coverage team is not the one you load up all your non-starters on, that is a recipe for disaster. Open space tackling is something most of your non-starters don't do very well in most cases. In my book "Winning Youth Football a Step by Step Plan" we give you much safer and player development friendly methods of getting those kids playing time, but it surely isn't on the kickoff team.
Youth Football Coaching Adjustment
In youth football it may make sense to add a small adjustment to this strategy. A simple way to force the ball carrier to the inside would be to position your boxing ends in positions that would force the ballcarrier to the middle of the field or better yet to one side of the field, so you have less field to defend. You could also assign your best open field tacklers to the side you are forcing to. As most of you know, I don't like to recommend anything we have not heavily field tested with a variety of teams, ages, skill sets and competition, so I'm not advocating this method just yet. But this is an area we will be looking at very closely for next season. I've never been a fan of lanes and the simple "in front of inside" method, seems to make sense and worth a hard look for next fall.
For 200 free youth football coaching tips or to sign up for Dave's free Youth Football Tips newsletter please go to:
Youth Football Coaching Copyright 2007 Cisar Management. Republishing this article is allowed if this paragraph and links are included.
Dave Cisar-
Dave has a passion for developing youth coaches so they can in turn develop teams that are competitive and well organized. He is a Nike "Coach of the Year" Designate and speaks nationwide at Coaches Clinics. His book "Winning Youth Football a Step by Step Plan" was endorsed by Tom Osborne and Dave Rimington.
With over 15 years of hands-on experience as a youth coach, Dave has developed a detailed systematic approach to developing youth players and teams. His personal teams to using this system to date have won 97% of their games in 5 Different Leagues. His web site is: Football Plays
Monday, May 3, 2010
1983 Aberdeen FC - Euro Giants
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Smithy Takes On The England Football Team - Red Nose Day 2009 - Comic Relief - BBC
Saturday, May 1, 2010
How to Become an NFL Player Part 1
Becoming an NFL player was my dream since I was in junior high school, and I was one of the lucky few who actually made it all the way to the NFL. I have played for the New York Giants, the New Orleans Saints, the Washington Redskins, the Baltimore Ravens, and the Jacksonville Jaguars.
My life in the NFL was a remarkable experience. However, getting to the NFL was very difficult. In this article I want to discuss a few of the mental hurdles a young athlete will go through if they want to make it all the way to the NFL.
My preparation for the NFL began in high school when I realized that I had a chance to play Division One football. I attended an outstanding high school program at Eisenhower High School in Lawton, OK where I played against a rival school (Lawton High School) that has produced NFL talent including Michael Minter of the Carolina Panthers, Will Shields of the Kansas City Chiefs, Daly Gardner of the Miami Dolphins, James Trapp of the Oakland Raiders, and Jamal Brown of the New Orleans Saints.
Playing against the top athletes in high school really helped to raise my game to be the best it could be. As an athlete, your preparation for the pros starts when you decide you want to be the best athlete you can be for you--not for your parents, not for your girlfriend, and not for your friends. To be an NFL player you must have a burning desire to play with the best and you must do everything you can physically and mentally to make yourself able to compete with the best.
But being a great athlete is only half of what it takes to make it to the pros. Developing your mental skills is just as important as developing your physical skills.
First, you cannot play football if you have bad grades. The real work for becoming an NFL player starts in the classroom. For me, the class room was difficult and I had to work very hard to keep my grades up. But I understood that if my grades were bad, I would be kicked off the high school team. And, if I was kicked off the high school team, I would not be able to play college football, and college football is a requirement for becoming a pro player. Because of that, I worked very hard to keep my grades up.
If you want to become an NFL player, you must take your class work seriously to give yourself an opportunity to play college football. Here is a secret most student athletes don't know. Colleges love smart athletes. By being both a great student and a great athlete, you greatly increase your chances of being recruited by a scout for a major college football team. Why you ask? Smart players make smart decisions on the football field and help win games. If you look at many of the greatest NFL players, many of them are not the best athletes. What they are, are the smartest athletes. When you play in the pros, the plays are very complex and you need to think very quickly. That is why it is so important to build your brain power just as much as your athletic skills. Accomplishing this is one of the first big steps towards becoming a pro player.
Another important part of being a pro player is how you present yourself as a person. Do you get along well with your fellow athletes and coaches? Are you a good member of your community? College and pro teams want cooperative team members, not spoiled athletes that cause problems, get into trouble, and are an embarrassment to the organization. An athlete that causes problems with his team members and gets into trouble with the law hurts a team. Problem players are quickly removed from competitive sports teams. Therefore, if you want to make it to the NFL, keep yourself out of trouble and be a model person.
In conclusion, being a great athlete is not enough to make it to the pros. You must work hard both on and off the field. Be a person that your team can count on and be proud of. If you do this, you will increase your chances of being recruited by a college scout and making it to the pros.
Martin Chase is a retired NFL player who has played with the Giants, the Saints, the Redskins, the Ravens, and the Jaguars. Martin now owns and manages a popular sports memorabilia website -
Football - Special Teams
If you're a big football fan, probably one of the most frustrating things you can watch in a game is when two teams are going at it, head to head, evenly matched, no score, both defenses doing their job and then suddenly a kick off is returned 100 yards for a touchdown because a guy on special teams missed an easy tackle. The game is lost because of somebody who is on the field maybe a total of 2 minutes in a 60 minute contest. It's enough to make you pull your hair out of your head.
The truth is, special teams don't get the recognition they deserve. They aren't glamorous like a high powered offense with a star quarterback like a John Elway. They aren't in the spotlight like a famous defense led by somebody like Lawrence Taylor who was probably one of the greatest middle linebackers to ever play the game, with all his drug problems. No, special teams don't get all the glory like the other guys do, but they sure get all the blame when a kick off is returned for a touchdown, or they fumble on their own kickoff return. Special teams are under such a microscope that their coaches often lose their jobs because of big blunders on the field.
Special teams have a lot of duties to perform. They return kick offs and punts and on the other end of the spectrum, they kick off after they score and punt the ball when they don't. So many kickers have had careers ruined because of a missed field goal attempt or a blocked punt. Just recently in the playoffs a kicker missed 3 easy field goals that would have given his team the victory. Instead they went down to a bitter defeat.
Everybody has their theories as to why special teams are sometimes so dreadfully awful. One theory is that enough attention isn't given to them during training and practices. Another theory is that they just don't get enough playing time during a game and therefor don't have enough time to really get their heads and bodies into the game. Still another theory is that these guys really aren't that good. That's why they're on special teams. If they were better players they'd be on the starting offense or defense.
The truth, if there is a truth to this problem, is that it's probably a combination of all three things. Let's face it, the offense and defense is what drives each team so much more time has to be given to them. Plus, since special teams aren't on the field as much, you wouldn't give as much attention to them. As for their heads being in the game, there is no denying that these guys don't get to play as much. It's kind of like a pinch hitter coming off the bench in baseball. It's not an easy thing to do. And as far as special teams players not being the best on the field, while it is true that some players double on offense and special teams, this is the exception and not the rule. Sadly, your special teams players are not your top players.
Whatever the reason, there is no denying that many a game is lost because of special teams play. But isn't it great to watch when a special teams player wins a game for you?
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Football []