Friday, February 26, 2010

Oakland Raiders - Raiders Commitment to Excellence

What does an Oakland's football team and the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" have in common? Yes they are both well known around the world and are also multimillion investments, but that wouldn't be the initial thing in mind when these two come to mind. Maybe the black and silver dominant images of pirates with one eye patches, hats, and two swords at the back would be a more accurate description. Indeed this would be an image that would strike an upright reaction from anyone and would certainly leave the unprepared and weak in an inferior pose. After all, Pirates are Raiders. They will take what is yours and make it theirs. For some reason, this sort of image does work. Whether it is for movies or as for the Raiders they do get what is theirs. And what is it? Whether it is a movie awards in Hollywood or Super Bowl Victory, it would simply be spelled and called s-u-c-c-e-s-s.

We all know that the Raiders are based in California. But some may be confused as to why there is and was an Oakland Raiders and a Los Angeles Raiders team. Well, simply put, the team which was originally based in Oakland was then transferred to be based in Los Angeles for sometime, and then transferred back to Oakland. Yes, these were due to legal reasons, but then again, it did not have an effect. Football is simply football and winning is what every team would want. California, not only should take pride in the "Cali lifestyle" they have where spring and summer never got better, but of their football team as well. The Raiders have won multiple super bowls already and are one of the best in the league. No sports fanatic from any state or even country could ever say that the Raiders have no right to step on that field. After all, in the words of Al Davis, the team's head coach and general manager in the year 1963, the team should abide by the slogans, "Pride and Poise," "Commitment to Excellence," and "Just Win, Baby". These are registered trademarks meant not only for marketing reasons, but team motivation and direction. And it did work! They did get the recognition, the victories, and most of all, worldwide fans cheering for them! Indeed it was more than just victories and the trophies, it was the name they got that made their logo so familiar that hats and jerseys would be worn even outside the United States.

So what does their logo of a Raider have to do with anything about football? Well maybe you can just say that every victory is a steal. And as long as this team keeps on winning, then you can also say that it keeps on getting what they want and making it theirs. After all, life is too short to settle for anything else which is less. Go be a Raider. Know what you want, earn it, and make it yours!

Rick Grantham is an avid sports fan. Most of Rick's articles focus on sports memorabilia. Many articles are related to major league stores and other sports related topics. Rick is a contributing author to BooYah Village.

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